Travis Annameier - Member Spotlight July 2024

Read on to find out more about Travis, who inspires him, what his pet peeve is, what he is thankful for & much more!
August 23, 2024
Travis Annameier - Member Spotlight July 2024

How did you discover CrossFit?

I had always been ‘CrossFit curious’ but the opportunity to try it was through the original C3 Real Estate corporate membership deal we had and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s the only workout I’ve truly enjoyed doing each day and week.

What draws you to DeNovo CrossFit? 

I love the community and the coaches here are top notch. I’ve visited a number of CrossFit gyms around the country and DeNovo has created something truly unique with their coaching quality and community. I know it comes with substantial extra work outside of coaching and simply running a gym, so this aspect is very much worth note!

What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit and in life?

Keeping consistent with 4+ check-ins a week these last 6 months or so.

In life? Probably having a kid. It’s something I wasn’t even sure I wanted for many years and since becoming a dad, I’ve LOVED it and I’ve come to appreciate the little things in life more and my heart has grown ten times.

What athlete/s at DeNovo inspire you to be the best version of yourself each and every day?

I’m going to say Dave Ferguson. That dude is a low key beast and very unassuming. 

What is your pet peeve?

Lack of integrity. Saying one thing and acting another way.

What/who inspires you? 


Favorite workout song? 

Well I listen to a LOT of bluegrass which is not even remotely appropriate for a workout. So if I have to choose, probably anything Metallica. Brings me back to my awkward high school metal days.

What advice would you have for anyone who is nervous to join DeNovo? 

Just try it and know that you can scale to whatever degree necessary. There’s a reason people in their 70’s and 80’s are doing CrossFit. It's all scaleable. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit, both for fun and professionally?

I have been a professional skydiver and have around 8000 jumps, but since becoming a dad that has slowed down quite a bit and I spend most of my time hanging with my family and I also love playing and seeing bluegrass music.

If we were sitting here one year from now, what would we be celebrating together? 

Consistently attending 4+ classes each week at DeNovo after having had a second baby later this year. Mark my words. :)

Favorite CrossFit movement? 

Finally being able to consistently do a handstand pushup.

What are you currently reading?

Reading…not my favorite thing. Need to replace reading facebook memes with reading an actual book ha.

What are you thankful for?

Being healthy. As I’ve begun to feel my age more and more in my late 30’s, I’ve come to appreciate being healthy more and more.

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