simone - Member Spotlight february 2023

How did you discover CrossFit? 

My sister used to coach CrossFit in New Mexico. I never thought it was something I could do.

What draws you to DeNovo CrossFit?

The friendly, welcoming atmosphere. I don't feel embarrassed to ask questions. The coaches and other members are so wonderful!

What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit and in life? 

My biggest accomplishment in CrossFit has been making the decision to join and give it my all. My biggest accomplishment in life has been making a commitment to change my life to be healthier.

What athlete/s at DeNovo inspire you to be the best version of yourself each and every day? 

All of them! I see everyone pushing themselves and it motivates me to try as hard as I can.

What is your pet peeve? 

Loud eating.

What/who inspires you? 

My family.

Favorite joke. 

Why can't ghosts have babies?

Because they have Hallow-weenies!

What advice would you have for anyone who is nervous to join DeNovo? 

Just take the leap! It can be so scary but this is a great place to grow! I'm so happy I found this community where I have been welcomed.

What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit, both for fun and professionally? 

I love doing different arts and crafts. I like crocheting, working on diamond paintings, sewing, and making bows. Spending time with my fur babies is another one of my favorite things to do.

If we were sitting here one year from now, what would we be celebrating together? 

I will be able to do pull-ups!

Favorite CrossFit movement? 

Deadlifts! Lol 

What are you currently reading? 

“Man, F*ck This House”

What are you thankful for? 

The support of my family and friends.


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