Jamie R. - Member Spotlight april 2023
How did you discover CrossFit?
My sister started CrossFit many, many years ago. She was completely committed to the practice and talked about it all the time. Then, Rod started CrossFit at Miramont and was equally committed. At that time I was running quite a bit with friends but could definitely feel the deficits in my fitness. In November of 2014 I joined Miramont with Rod.
What draws you to DeNovo CrossFit?
The Coaches! 100%
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit and in life?
Sticking with it… I usually tire of things after a few years. With the exception of the “Covid Shutdown” time period, I’ve been “CrossFitting” since 2014. The variety of workouts and having someone tell me what to do are game changers for me and my fitness journey!
What athlete/s at DeNovo inspire you to be the best version of yourself each and every day?
Every single person in the gym - members and coaches.
What is your pet peeve?
You ask that as though I have ONE… I have many! Too many to list, but one at the top of my list at the gym is when people don’t put Kettlebells, Dumbbells and Wall Balls away properly. Everything is marked so nicely! It shouldn’t be that hard.
What/who inspires you?
Everyone is inspirational when you really look at it. We all have things we’re good at and we all have things we struggle with. People who are the most vulnerable but show up and do the hard work are the most inspirational!
Favorite joke.
I frequently hear funny jokes and promise myself to commit them to memory, but then I promptly forget them. However, Rod reminded me I have a “very corny Knock, Knock joke,” so here it is:
Knock, Knock….
Who’s there?
Impatient Cow.
Impatient C…
What advice would you have for anyone who is nervous to join DeNovo?
Feeling nervous is completely natural… do It anyway! You won’t be sorry.
What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit, both for fun and professionally?
Riding horses, playing on the water & spending time with friends and family.
If we were sitting here one year from now, what would we be celebrating together?
Tomorrow is never promised and I never like to wish time away, so I’d say just all being together, happy and healthy a year from now is worth celebrating.
Favorite CrossFit movement?
Well, it’s only taken 9 years, but I feel like I’m kinda getting the hang of toes-to-bar and pull-ups. I can’t link them of course, but singles are doable.
What are you currently reading?
I can’t sit down and read. If I do, I fall asleep, but I do like to “listen” to books while I’m out in the barn. Margaret Mizushima is a local mystery writer. Her TimberCreek K-9 series is entertaining and easy to listen to. I can get distracted and when I come back to paying attention, I still know what’s going on which is big for me. My attention span is very, very short!
What are you thankful for?
I have the most amazing people surrounding me, starting with Rod. They love and support me and I am so very grateful! Every day when I wake up, I can hardly believe this is my life…