Ryan Magnus - Member Spotlight May 2023
How did you discover CrossFit?
Through my amazing company, C3 Real Estate Solutions. I was able to come 3 days a week when I first started with the company in 2020.
What draws you to DeNovo CrossFit?
I have always been driven to be healthier since I moved to Colorado. I gained the Freshman Forty in college and started to have more of a focus on health after graduating. CrossFit pushes me to do exercises I would not push myself to do on my own and the coaches are better than I could have ever expected! I would say that I was in some of the best shape of my life before my baby was born in 2022 because of DeNovo CrossFit.
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit and in life?
There is no certain workout that sticks out, but I feel my biggest accomplishment is that my back pain has been the least it has ever been since I injured it playing hockey in college.
My biggest accomplishment in life is making a life for myself in Colorado. I moved out here with $800 to my name and now have a successful career and amazing family, friends & community in CO!
What athlete/s at DeNovo inspire you to be the best version of yourself each and every day?
Not to continue to suck up even more to the coaches, but they are all my biggest inspiration at DeNovo. It took me a while to accept that I am not always going to be able to do the prescribed weights or number of reps for the women in many workouts. Seeing their dedication to their craft, career, health, nutrition and love for the DeNovo community is very inspiring.
What is your pet peeve?
I hate inefficiency, but I am learning that efficiency is not as achievable with a child. There is a lot of waste and constant shifting schedules, but it is teaching me to be more adaptable and patient. Hunter, my baby boy, is making me a better person!
What/who inspires you?
Success & fulfillment in Life inspire me. I strive to be successful, but also enjoy my life the fullest. There are many people who inspire me, but the older I get the more I understand that everyone has different values and goals in life. Comparing yourself to others is a difficult thing to not do, but everyone is truly different.
Favorite joke.
Trying to think of one that is appropriate to post… I love going to comedy shows and one of the last ones I went to was Brian Regan so here is a short & sweet one from him. “I think the serving size of ice cream is when you hear the spoon hit the bottom of the container.”
What advice would you have for anyone who is nervous to join DeNovo?
It is not a cult and it is not only for the fittest people on the planet. The coaches at DeNovo can do variations to any workout for people who may have an injury or issue that does not allow them to do the workout as written.
What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit, both for fun and professionally?
Snowboarding is the best thing in the world to me. Surfing powder on top of a mountain cannot be beat in my opinion. Hockey is another passion of mine and I try to play at least once if not twice a week. My career allows me to meet new people all the time and I am a social butterfly so I enjoy constantly expanding my social network.
If we were sitting here one year from now, what would we be celebrating together?
A goal I have in the next few years is to purchase a property in Fort Collins and convert my current home in Loveland to a rental, so it would be great to do that within the next year!
Favorite CrossFit movement?
So many of my least favorites come to mind, but I enjoy getting better at bar muscle ups. I also did some of my first rope climbs ever this year and it was good (besides my bleeding ankle).
What are you currently reading?
Currently this questionnaire… but there are a few real estate books sitting on my nightstand.
What are you thankful for?
I’m thankful for my family, friends, health and being a part of the DeNovo Community – first gym I have ever been a part of!