Charlie - Member Spotlight January 2023

How did you discover CrossFit?

I had a coworker who did CrossFit with Jenny and Jorine back at Miramont. I eventually got a job in Fort Collins which allowed me to start coming to the gym because I worked so close to home. I wanted to try something in a class-like setting in order to keep me motivated to keep coming and trying new things. I started doing 2 days a week, then 3, eventually 4 and now 5 as I felt I was ready to do more. I never actually got to join my coworker in class because they always came at 5am and I wasn’t interested in getting up that early. 

What draws you to DeNovo CrossFit?

My alarm keeps going off every morning, so I keep showing up. Jenny hasn’t told me to stop coming yet so I’m still here. 

In all seriousness, if I didn’t show up, I’d get about 500 steps each day and not raise my heart rate above 100 BPM. I enjoy coming for the camaraderie and laughs that each class has as well as getting to move my body and focus on something that’s not the 500 emails in my inbox at work. 

What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit and in life? 

The first time hitting over 100 lbs. in all the weightlifting movements was amazing. Having all that hard work pay off when I was first starting out really helped motivate me to keep going.  

In life, I was  really lucky to be able to buy my house before everything went crazy. Having something of my own that I can work towards improving gives me a lot of satisfaction that I’m building something for my future. 

What athlete/s at DeNovo inspire you to be the best version of yourself each and every day? 

I’m usually the last person to finish the workout, so I’m usually watching everyone else finish the WOD before me. This helps me keep moving otherwise I would have given up after the warm up. 

What is your pet peeve? 

Slow drivers, especially when I’m trying to get to the gym in the morning. 

What/who inspires you? 

Really good drummers. Watching people push the limits of technical ability is so incredible to see. I love trying to replicate the same grooves or fills on my drumset. 

Favorite joke. 

Stephen’s Thankful Thursdays are always amazing; the other classes are missing out.   

What advice would you have for anyone who is nervous to join DeNovo? 

Just start; there’s never going to be a perfect time to start. We’re all here at different parts of our own fitness journey and started at different parts of our lives. What’s most important is just showing up and being ready to do something for yourself. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit, both for fun and professionally? 

For fun, I recently got back into playing drums after not having a drum set for many years. So if I’m not playing in my garage I can be found constantly tapping my fingers to whatever music is playing in my head. Additionally, I’m quite a good cook, so I’m often whipping up something amazing in my kitchen. 

If we were sitting here one year from now, what would we be celebrating together? 

Another year free from nuclear annihilation. Maybe some PRs or something; that’s a long time from now…  

Favorite CrossFit movement? 

Snatches - Jorine says my movement is flawless.  

What are you currently reading? 

I’m currently reading "Clockwork Lives" by Kevin J Anderson. It's a story about a woman who must travel her world to discover other people’s life stories while figuring out her own. 

What are you thankful for? 

Being able to move my body everyday and enjoy what I do both in and out of the gym.


Nutrition spotlight - Stef rittner