Kelly beard- member of the month (Jan 2025)
How did you discover CrossFit?
Brother and other CrossFit friends.
What draws you to DeNovo CrossFit?
They allow for all types of athletes, not just the typical CrossFit stereotype.
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit and in life?
Going to CrossFit. It makes life better.
What or who EMPOWERS you at DeNovo?
Everyone, it is a great community.
What is your pet peeve?
I know my body, and I am old and out of shape. Just listen to what I think, and don’t push as much.
Favorite workout song.
Silence…just kidding, I don’t have one.
What advice would you have for anyone who is nervous to join DeNovo?
Don’t be, nobody will look down on you.
What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit, both for fun and professionally?
Golf, my job is pretty sweet.
If we were sitting here one year from now, what would we be celebrating together?
Two years of CrossFit.
Favorite CrossFit movement?
I think the most important thing for me is box step-ups. Rowing is another good one for me. I would not say they are my favorites =).
What are you currently reading?
Technical papers, but I do a lot of books on tape. Michael Crichton’s “Micro” right now.
What are you thankful for?
I have a pretty good life in general. Good family, friend, house and job, many thanks!